PinnedWhy I’m an EducatorI grew up in a suburb in Bethlehem, PA. It wasn’t the neighborhood with the McMansions, but was a modest, middle-class development across…Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
Diving Into the Deep EndBefore starting something new, I don’t need to feel 100% ready, I just need to feel that I did my best to prepare for what I can know and…May 17, 2021May 17, 2021
Always TeachingThis photo is from 2003, the last day of my first year teaching.Apr 25, 2021Apr 25, 2021
First-Year Teacher Lessons: ResourcefulnessI moved into my classroom three days before school started. That also means that I moved all of the trash from the previous teacher out of…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
First-Year Teacher Lessons: I’m the teacher, but that means nothing.Before I was Mrs. Wellington, I was a 23-year old Ms. Keller teaching seventh grade in the Bronx. This was my first classroom door and…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
If not now, then when?I’ve only interacted with one small-town school board, when I taught at PMHS in Pittsfield, NH. I found myself sitting before them after I…Jan 30, 2021Jan 30, 2021